First, sharpen your axe!

Flavia Nakajjugo Effective Teacher, Guest Blog, Home Page Feed, Planning a School Day

“Teachers, what do you do when students faint in your class?”, Genevieve screamed as she entered the staff common room. The frantic look on her face and the dishevelled hair was enough to tell the story of the storm that was raging in her heart. Genevieve was an intern teacher who was in the middle of her lesson when the …

From frustrated to effective teaching

Flavia Nakajjugo Effective Teacher, Guest Blog, Home Page Feed

I graduated from one of the best universities in Uganda with a Bachelor of science with an education degree. Set to go and teach biology and chemistry to secondary school students, I was excited to embark on this journey. Reality hit when I reached the school and found a total mismatch between what I had studied at the university and …