School leader or Superhero?

Flavia Nakajjugo Effective School Leader, Home Page Feed, School leadership, TTT Education

As a teacher, I had always been passionate about what I did, giving my all, at every task assigned to me.

I started as a novice teacher who did not know what to do but was excited to learn. I sought for knowledge wherever I could find it;

I consulted my senior colleagues, read, and attended seminars and conferences; I was determined to become an effective teacher,


  • I got good at teaching,
  • My classes became livelier and more engaging,
  • I assessed my learners better,
  • I prepared for my lessons better and I generally did my work quite effectively compared to the rest of my colleagues.

The challenge came when my supervisors at the time thought that because I was a good teacher, I could automatically make a good school administrator.

I was identified to become a school principal because I was effective at teaching, and boy, were they wrong!  Effective teaching can never translate to effective school leadership.

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I was excited about the promotion as it looked like a reward for my hard work, little did I know about the struggles that awaited me.  From understanding how to manage adults, deal with budgets, discipline issues, disgruntled parents and students, and account for the performance of the students and teachers, to say the less.

I was overwhelmed and I did not know what to do.

No one prepared me for what was coming

It felt like a role only done by a superhero

I did not feel qualified to manage this role with the effectiveness it demanded.

You know what?

I am not alone, this is the case, for many school leaders I have interacted with. We are thrown into the deep end without any prior preparation.

Many school leaders are identified from the classroom and given leadership roles.

To be honest, many teachers struggle upon being promoted to the point of resigning if they do not get help.

I was fortunate enough to look for help and I got it.

The Becoming a More Effective School Leader course offered by Teaching Training Together was the hack to better school management and helped me gain my sanity back as a school leader.

The course introduced me to a culture of collaboration, the magic that I needed to run the school effectively.

It detailed how the school teachers can be trusted to run with different responsibilities thus improving the effectiveness while performing different tasks without having to do it all on my own.

I created a community of teachers who collaborated.

 Additionally, it covered how I could cultivate a culture of improvement and how I could bring every staff member on board to create a shared vision.

The theory was great, but putting these things into practice and seeing the impact left me excited. I became an effective school leader and enjoyed my job yet again.

The good news is that you do not have to struggle like I did, you can sign up for this fully funded course and be on a journey to becoming a more effective school leader with exceptional superpowers. Commit your time to this course and earn a certificate recognizing your new skills! Register today and join 6500+ other school leaders on a journey to becoming effective at their work.