We are all living through the same pandemic. It is simply the weirdest thing ever… to know that our partners in the US, Haiti, Liberia and now Uganda are all experiencing the threat of safety and normalcy because of this virus.
Ah yes, if you are reading closely, I wrote Uganda.
Amidst the unknowns and uncertainty of COVID-19, a delightful experiment with Google ads has opened the door to new possibilities for TTT. And now, nearly four months later, we are thrilled to announce the recipient of our next TTT Partners.
The confirmation that this recipient was perfect for such a time as this was a phone call in which I was invited to tell her that she was chosen among others to receive the scholarship. In every attempt to introduce myself in the most professional manner I could, her anticipation and excitement oozed through the phone. Anticipation and excitement? If I had forgotten what those two emotions felt like over this past season, they were renewed on this phone call. Her words of gratitude, her expression of emotion, her promise to do TTT proud welled me up with professional, joyful tears.
Hear ye! Hear ye! TTT is alive and well. We are proceeding with caution in Haiti alongside the limitations of the virus. We are renewing our partnership with Liberia for another year to train more school leaders and teachers, and now are bringing our professional development program to Uganda.
Let me introduce you to TTT Partners. Flavia is a charismatic educator who aligns with the TTT vision and mission. Flavia has already trained close to 400 teachers in and around Uganda which gives her an excellent foundation for launching TTT. She reflects that her previous training experiences left her unsatisfied because they seemed to lack the depth to really impact the participants. She feels that TTT addresses several gaps and desires to train teachers over a period of time to see true impact and change.
For all that I don’t know about what is to come, that is what I do know. Lord willing, we will host TTT seminars in Haiti, Liberia and Uganda this upcoming academic year. Who woulda’ thought?
My prayer is that you are safe and well. My prayer is that you are hopeful and expectant for the good that can be found in the hardships. May our eyes look directly toward our missions. For TTT, we relentlessly pursue underserved school leaders and teachers no matter what global pandemic comes our way. Huzzah!

Beth is the President of Teaching Training Together, an organization based in Burlington, Massachusetts, that provides initial training through professional development seminars to underserved school leaders and teachers.