
Beth Mollenhauer TTT Education

I learned about 10 months ago when my daughter became engaged to be married that I would most likely miss this week’s teacher training seminars. To have attended all but 1 one-day seminar over the past seven years, somewhere in the range of 15 seminars is an honor and crazy feat. The amount of learning I have gained from observing the material bump through the day, in and through the minds of participants, is a rewarding and refining process.

Home from a most excellent wedding of family and friends, I look through the precise schedule, fondly referred to as a “timekeeper”, that guides the day through the video instruction and workshops. It is the aim of TTT to provide an excellent, complete seminar to every participant in attendance. For example, at 9:20, I know that participants will do an activator to engage their brains about Bloom’s Taxonomy, asking the question: “What do you know about deepening a student’s thinking?” And, I know at 12:40, participants will learn how to use Venn diagrams to compare and contrast information, which is the fifth level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. You may giggle or scoff at how we commit ourselves down to five minute increments like this, but we say these school leaders and teachers deserve nothing less than our best, intentional effort.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, Seminar 3 was presented for the first time through video instruction at two locations in Les Cayes, Haïti:

  • Ecole Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours hosted TTT for 81 participants of FEPH (Fédération des Écoles Protestantes d’Haïti)
  • S.E.E.D. Ministries Inc. hosted TTT for 71 participants from schools of RMI (Reciprocal Ministries International) and FEPH (Fédération des Écoles Protestantes d’Haïti)


Today, a second group of school leaders and teachers have arrived at these locations for another round of Seminar 3.   

It is super odd to not be in Haiti this week, as I love to experience every hour of each day, see the seminars with my own eyes, and reflect on my own learnings. Two weeks ago, I sent my best wishes to one of our Haitian facilitators who replied, “We are finishing what you have started.” There was a time when a seminar required my presence, my oversight, my direction. But now, how awesome is it to not be needed?

I am overwhelmed with confidence that our staff and trained facilitators are well prepared and equipped to manage and lead four seminars this week.