Our Partners

Dorcas Aidoo
GhanaWith backgrounds in Social Work (University of Ghana, Legon) and International Development Management (Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration: GIMPA) and 19 years of professional experience in education and health-related interventions, Dorcas currently serves with Edify as an Education Specialist and Program Lead for the Education Department. She provides oversight to the design, planning, execution, assessments, and sustainability of Edify Ghana’s Education Transformation Programs. She trains, coaches, and provides support supervision to school leaders and teachers. Dorcas’ passion is to see the vulnerable empowered to own their transformation process through quality education and exposure to the word of God.

Marion Arot
UgandaMarion received a bachelor’s degree in Education from Kyambogo University, Uganda. She is a seasoned teacher of English language and Literature, having classroom experience of 12 years, and leadership experience of four years. Marion was entrusted with one of Watoto Childcare Ministries school in Kampala, Uganda which she very ably led for two years, bringing student achievement to a commendable level, and retaining 99% of the staff in her care. Currently, she works as the CEO and Founder of Mar-A-Fil Transformational and Empowerment Enterprises (MATEE), serving as an educational consultant in Uganda. Marion is also a trained and practicing child and teen counselor, teen and youth mentor, keynote speaker, and author.

Jean-Marc Cassamajor
HaitiJean-Marc attended the State Law School where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in law. After graduating, he worked at a law firm for four years and taught English classes. In 2015, he worked for the UN as a National Security Assistant assisting UN officers in training and managing 5000 electoral agents. Since 2015, Jean-Marc had worked for TTT as an interpreter, translator, and facilitator. Jean-Marc was employed as the Seminar Coordinator, managing logistics details for every seminar hosted in Haiti until 2023. Jean Marc is also very active in the music ministry at his church.

Chaffra Jean Claude Edouard
Côte d’IvoireChaffra received a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University Allassane Ouattara from Bouake in Côte d’Ivoire. He is a highly motivated and achievement-oriented person who enjoys being a team player capable of handling positions of responsibility and leadership. In this regard, he helped a bilingual school Ecole Française ADKEL in Accra to improve the supervision of the children and better organize the administration. Chaffra is also passionate about Christ and offering interpretation and translation services in Côte d’Ivoire and other African countries.

Miracule Gavor
GhanaMiracule earned a Master of Arts in Technology and Learning Design from Roehampton University in 2019. He is currently a doctoral researcher at UCL Institute of Education, UK. He led Ghana’s Math Pilot to operationalize a revised, evidence-based primary mathematics syllabus, instructional materials, and school-based in-service support model. He pre-piloted the model in 20 schools across two districts during the first school year before using the lessons learned to inform an expanded, full pilot implementation in 120 new schools, accompanied by a rigorous external impact evaluation of the model. He supports the preparation of teachers with increased knowledge of mathematics, improved attitudes and beliefs about teaching and learning, and increased access to and use of suitable instructional materials.

Joelle Larco
HaitiJoelle attended Christ The King Secretarial School, graduating as an Executive Secretary. She also earned a degree in Management and Administration. She spent 12 years working as a Co-Administrator at the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). She also worked at Jack Power Corporation, SA as Operating Officer and at Management Sciences for Health as Chief of Human Resources and Administration of USAID projects. From 2014-2023, Joelle was on staff for TTT as the Haiti Field Director, overseeing all in- country activities, including managing the staff and finances.

Joseph Mwaura
KenyaJoseph holds a Bachelor of Education from PUEA (Presbyterian University of East Africa). He has taught in high school for 20 years in both government and community schools. He was a principal in secondary school for six years before becoming the manager of Benta group of schools. He is now the Director of ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) Kenya chapter where he conducts teacher training on curriculum development and professional development. Joseph understands the struggle that untrained teachers undergo to deliver lessons to their students in the classroom, which can be made easier if the teachers have been taught the necessary skills.

Flavia Nakajjugo
UgandaFlavia attended Kyambogo University where she trained as a teacher of Biology and Chemistry. Flavia began teaching in Watoto schools, which are Christian schools whose main population is rescued children. Flavia was promoted to principal where she made major turnarounds in her school’s pedagogy, student discipline and teacher motivation. In 2019, she was one of four Ugandan teachers awarded the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Program Scholarship. Also, with a heart for teacher training, she has reached over 400 teachers in Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. She is currently the head of the Post Primary and Tertiary education in Watoto Education.

Adwoa Nyantakyiwaa
GhanaAdwoa is a trained teacher with over two decades of teaching experience at Junior High Schools, Senior High Schools, and the Colleges of Education. She holds a Master of Philosophy in Measurement and Evaluation and Administration in Higher Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Currently, she works as an Education Specialist with Edify Ghana focusing on school leadership development for school proprietors and school leaders. She engages in teacher capacity building and provides support to school proprietors and school leaders to help them become more effective for improved student learning outcomes. Adwoa’s areas of interest are school leadership and student assessment.

Edward Misava Ombajo
KenyaEdward is a member of the professional organization iEARN (International Education and Resource Network). Edward is an educational developer at the Aga Khan University with responsibilities across East Africa and Pakistan. Edward has served in several institutions including Chavakali High School as a mathematics/physics and computer teacher, Catholic University of Eastern Africa as the Coordinator of Open and Distance e-Learning Centre and a lecturer in the Faculty of Education. Edward is an adopter of technology in teaching, serving as an e-learning Champion of the NEPAD e-Schools Initiative in Kenya. Edward pioneered the establishment of the second Regional Centre of expertise in Western Kenya, which is a UN think tank on Education for Sustainable Development-ESD.

Anyiam Patrick
NigeriaPatrick attended Abia State University, Uturu, acquiring a bachelor’s degree in Fine and Applied Arts with a unique interest in Applied Creativity. For two years, he designed and developed 16 pedagogical strategies which uplifted the capacities of underqualified local teachers in Nigeria. Being a dyslexic himself, in 2018, he established Dyslexia Orientation Project (DOP) to address the continuous lack of learning support systems for dyslexic children in under-resourced schools in Nigeria. Through his dyslexia awareness campaigns, Patrick has reached over 350 teachers, 120 school leaders, and 1200 children in Nigeria. Currently, he serves as the Chief Executive Officer of DOP.

Bernard Sachie
GhanaBernard attended Maranatha University College in 2006. He obtained a BA Hon. Theology from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He is involved in the training of Pastors and Church Leaders. He is the Team Leader for African Enterprise(AE) Ghana. His full-time ministry is evangelism and discipleship. He also runs seminars for Students and School Teachers as part of his ministry work. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Christian Ministry with Management at Christian Service University College, Kumasi Ghana.

Ibrahim Ssemambo
RwandaIbrahim is a public administrator and educator with over 14 years in social work, education, school leadership and management. He has led professional development training in 15 schools in Uganda and 50 in Rwanda. He volunteered in three international organizations, Right to Play, CRANE (Children at Risk Action Network/VIVA) and the Eagles Wing Mission. He has served with Edify-Rwanda, Opportunity International and Rwanda Shalom Mission. He is a founding member of Christian Schools Rwanda, an association under Path to Schools Improvement (PSI/ACSI). Today, he extends education support programs to less privileged schools through his own organization called ISemax Pro World Link.

Francis Brown Taylor
GhanaFrancis was trained as a professional teacher at the University of Cape Coast and Colorado State University-Global. For 15 years, he taught at the Prisbel Int. School. Then, Francis rose to the rank of Senior Superintendent II at St. Paul Methodist Preparatory School. He was promoted to School Principal after eight years and eventually founded BAS Educational Institute where he has trained over 1000 teachers since 2012. In 2014, he was recognized and approved by Ghana Education Service and the Ministry of Education for teacher training. Also, he earned a degree from Inter-Africa Theological College to support Christian education as a lecturer at JWSM Bible College. Currently, he works as an educationist with Crimson Dawn Schools in Akosombo, Ghana.

Ollie N. White
LiberiaOllie attended Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts, USA, earning a master’s degree in Educational Ministries and eventually earning an Educational Specialist degree in Education Leadership from Gordon College in Massachusetts while in Liberia. In Liberia, Ollie started a Christian school called Beautiful Beginnings which focuses on improving children’s reading using evidence-based reading approaches. Ollie has been recognized by the Ministry of Education and the Office of President of Liberia. Beautiful Beginnings School now serves 400 students Nursery through grade six. Ollie is the first awardee of the TTT scholarship.

Marie Sonnie Vilnard
HaitiMarie Sonnie is a career educator who is passionate about education and committed to improving the quality of teaching and learning in Haiti. A teacher and linguist by training, she has a master’s degree in educational sciences from both Quisquéya University and Paris-Est Créteil University. Since 1988, she has been working in fundamental and vocational education, pedagogical advising and educational management. Marie Sonnie worked on staff in TTT as a Facilitator in 2017 and until 2023 as the Facilitator Coordinator.